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会期:2018年10月21日(土) – 2018年12月15日(土)
レセプション:2018年12月21日(日) 18時 – 20時
開廊日時:13時 – 18時 土,日,祝日 ※平日は完全アポイントメント制
Dates: 21 Oct 2018 - 15 Dec 2018
Opening: 18:00 on Sunday, 21 Oct 2018
Open hours: Sat, Sun, National Holidays 13:00 - 18:00 By Appointment only on weekdays.
A monochrome show by Olivier Mosset(CH) & Vuong Tu Lam(VN)
Olivier Mosset(CH)
Vuong Tu Lam(VN)
Akiko Utsumi (JP),
Alexandre Bianchini (CH)
David Malek (US/FR)
Đoàn Xuân Tặng (VN)
François Jeannin (CH/JP)
Gorka Mohamed (ES)
Ha Manh Thang (VN)
Hunter Longe (US/CH)
Lauren Huret (FR)
Lưu Bảo Trung (VN)
Lý Hùng Anh (VN)
Mari Takemoto (JP)
Mickaël Lianza (CH/IT/FR)
Natsuki Oshiro (JP)
Nguyễn Đức Hùng (VN)
Nguyễn Thái Bình (VN)
Nguyen The Hung(VN)
Nobuhiro Fukui (JP)
Olivia Malena Vidal (CH)
Shunsuke François Nanjo(JP/FR/BE)
Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques (FR/US)
Tào Hương(VN)
Taro Masushio (JP/US)
Thomas Andrea Barbey (FR/VN)
Tomoo Seki (JP)
Trần Lê Nam(VN)
Yuni Yon (CH)
Viktor Korol (CH)
Vu Minh (VN)
Vương Văn Thạo (VN)
Curators: Vu Minh (VN), Frédéric Dialynas Sanchez(FR)
Special Thanks: Fujiyoshida Piggy Bank, Kazumi Hasegawa, Yukiko Koshima
●●●展はホーチミン(The Observatory)、上海(Bazaar、Mingjun KTV)、山梨県富士吉田市(製氷倉庫 / CINOlab)を巡回したRed展の最終章です。Olivier MossetやVương Tử Lâmによる大型のモノクローム絵画とともに、日本、ベトナム、スイス、フランスのアーティストの作品および装飾品を展示いたします。
オリヴィエ・モセ Olivier Mosset
1944年スイス ベルン生まれ。現在ツーソン(米アリゾナ州)およびニューヨークで活動。60年代より抽象絵画を制作。パリでBMPT(ダニエル・ビュラン、オリヴィエ・モセ、ミシェル・パルモンティエ、ニエル・トロニ)というグループのメンバーとして活動。1990年にヴェネチア・ビエンナーレのスイス館を手がける。モノクローム絵画を制作するもっとも重要なアーティストのひとりといわれている。
ヴオン・チュ・ラム Vuong Tu Lam
1957年ベトナム ハノイ生まれ。ハノイを中心に多くの展覧会に参加。2012年にViet Art Centerで円形の絵画を展示したことでとくに知られている。Vietnamese Fine Art Associationの35周年で受賞。ベトナムにおいて唯一モノクローム絵画を制作するアーティストといわれている。
This project is a follow-up of the Red exhibition (organized by Bob Nickas in New York in 1986), which gathered works of art and promoted their autonomy free of the curator’s voice. The colour red was a pretext, the only commonality among the different artworks (mostly painting and sculptures). It was thus possible to look at the works for what they simply were.
For historians of modern art, the monochrome painting is the most radical subject matter as far as abstraction is concerned, and today it remains a means of resistance against the world of images. But how should one look at and see a monochrome in the context of a country in which this type of painting has no real presence, where the colour red is omnipresent in tradition and in everyday life?
In Vietnam and China, it is evident the colour represents communism and the national flag, used by governments to spread propaganda. But for the people, it also is a symbol of joy, enthusiasm and luck, and even a symbol of death and the spirits. In Japan, in Shinto and Buddhist folklore, the colour red is used to protect oneself from demons and illness. It is associated with healing, birth and longevity. It is also the colour of the rising sun, and thus, red is constantly hostage to these symbols.
For artists who practice it, however, monochrome painting is a means to neutralise colour, to show it as it really is, at its purest, free from any reference or concept. If one considers monochrome in its most radical form, it is a painted layer deprived of any style, it is an art of the artist’s humility in favor of the painting itself.
●●● is the title of last chapter of the series of red exhibitions in Asia, successively organized in Saigon (The Observatory), Shanghai (Bazaar Compatible Program, Mingjun Karaoke) and Fujiyoshida (Ice Factory/ CINOlab). This new exhibition in Tokyo presents 3 large monochrome paintings by Olivier Mosset and Vương Tử Lâm. In echoes to this installation, an ensemble of various works by artists from Japan, Vietnam, Switzerland, U.S., and France will be displayed on the side or visible on demand.
Olivier Mosset (b. 1944, Bern, Switzerland) Lives and work in Tucson (Arizona)Parisian artists group called BMPT (Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni) which took a radical position in its art process and against all the other movements. In New York during the 1980s he was involved in the movement Neo Geo which produced new debate in painting. He represented Switzerland in 1990 for the Biennale of Venise and his work has been shown all over Europe and USA. He is the most representative artist who does monochrome today. Playing with conceptualism and the question of authorship in painting, he is also considered quite a radical artist.
Vuong Tu Lam (b.1957, Hanoi, Vietnam) Lives in Hanoi City, Vietnam
Vuong Tu Lam developed a work of abstraction playing with rational questions (colors, shape, material). His work has been shown in many places in Hanoi, he especially did a noteworthy exhibition at Viet Art Center (2012), with his round paintings. Hegotaward from Art Exhibition on the occasion of the 35th celebration- the day of establishment of the Vietnamese Fine Art Association. He is considered today as the only one Vietnamese artist who practiced monochrome painting.